Friday, August 8, 2014

Mac People April 2014 Interview

─Please share your first experience purchasing Mac and what Mac products you are using.
BoA: My first Mac was a MacBook. The design was cute. But, I installed Windows in Boot Camp, I used Windows a lot. I use the internet banking service very frequently, but in Korea a lot of sites don’t support the Mac interface, so it is a must to have Windows. When I first purchased a Mac, I used it mainly for photos or to access the iTunes Store. After that, I began to compose music on my Mac. It was around Spring in 2010. It was a period where I couldn’t match my schedule with my friends’, so in order to entertain myself I bought a Mac Pro – that was how it all started. (laughs)

─When composing music, do you use Apple’s genuine application “Logic Pro”? 
BoA: Yes. I use it to create the broad framework for the music (aka guide). As the app has rich in-built features such as loop or sound etc., I either combine those features, or I will personally enter the drum and keyboard myself. I really like the app interface and design. Although you can choose “Pro Tools” by Avid Technology, the settings are extremely detailed so……. Logic was mentioned by various artists as “an app that can adapt to your own image in a short period of time” so I thought of trying it out. As a user who is able to grasp the know-how to use a music creation app to a certain extent, I think such apps should have seamless integration. I think a user who has some knowledge of using a music production app should be able to use it without difficulty.  

─I heard that you composed the lyrics and melody of your new song 
Only One, did you create it on a Mac?
BoA: That’s right. I created the broad framework for the song using Logic, the lyrics were prepared based on a few keywords which fitted the song’s image. I’m the type to write the lyrics while recording, so I inserted a few keywords which I prepared during recording and keyed them into Mac. I use the method where I will match phrase to the song to some extent, then add in words that are easy to listen to later on.
When there is a clear overarching theme, lyrics just come to my head based on the mood of the song and the desired direction. It’s also the same when composing in Japanese, I start writing lyrics with one catchphrase. In fact, I’m very slow when writing it down by hand, so the song is completed more quickly if I type the lyrics into Mac immediately while singing (laughs). After that, I check if the lyrics which I entered match the melody.

─It’s a must to have a Mac at the recording studio.
BoA: I can’t do anything if there is no Mac (laughs). Before completing the melody for
Only One, we decided the song will take on the image with the keyword you're the only one. Although it is a keyword suited for both a love song and a practical song, I wrote the lyrics thinking that it would be interesting to place wistful lyrics against such a beautiful melody.
Even for the Japanese version, I used Logic to create the demo version. After making a guide for the Japanese version, I wrote the Japanese lyrics, and shared my ideas on what image I would like to create with the arranger……. Although it is inevitable that some words or expressions have to be changed depending on the country, I focused on keeping the nuance that I wanted to bring across as much as possible.

─The rhythmic feel in the Korean version was achieved by the beat through accenting the last part.
But in the Japanese version, to the extent there was no hint of that accent, I got the impression that the Japanese version of Only Onewas more tranquil than the Korean version.
If it is an up-tempo song, it is great if it has a good accent in the beat, but the voice becomes stronger in a ballad. As Korean ballads end off slowly, I try to watch that so that the entire song is gentle on the ears. Singing ballads is actually tougher in Korean.

─Besides creating music, what other functions of the Mac do you use?
 iCloud! I have an iPhone for each country – Korea, Japan, USA, it is very convenient as I can share the same data regardless which country I’m in because iCloud helps me sync contact information and photos. Honestly it’ll be ideal I can use only one iPhone, but normally the phones are locked so I can’t use it even if I change the SIM. And I’ll key into the iPhone memo whenever lyrics comes to me, through iCloud I can send the same data to iPad and Mac, and so I can check it immediately when I’m on any platform. It is very convenient as I can edit it as soon as I turn on my Mac. 

─What genre of music to you listen to normally? Also, please share with us your thoughts on the playback environment.
 I listen to a lot of Western music. I check thePV Channelon YouTube where the latest promotion videos can be seen regularly. I find it interesting to see the instruments involved in each song and to watch PV making specials too. Also, Beyonce performed with Desiny’s Child in the half-time show of the finals of the NFL (American National Football League) on 4th Feb this year, I was shocked by that performance. In the blink of an eye, it spread worldwide through YouTube and now there are countless people tuning in.
            As I go around with music in my iPhone, I have stopped using my iPod. On normal days, I use my handphone when I leave the house and the speakers when I’m at home. Except, although I’m in a job that is particular about sound, I don’t produce instrumental demos in the studio with the huge dedicated speakers, but rather replay it with Mac’s in-built speakers…….  I listen to it on my handphone after editing and arranging the sound. When I listen to it and compare, as expected, the sound on the handphone is the best.

─Since '08 you have been in charge of Audio Technica’s image character, are there any products which you like?
 My current earphone is ATH-CKS99i. Overall, I think Audio Technica products can be used without worrying about sound quality or design etc. As I want to focus on the voice, I like headphones with a fit form which can block surrounding noises. On the contrary, I don’t really like headphones with enhanced bass or a strong low. As Audio Technica products reproduce the sound well it is comfortable to listen to. I think that Audio Technica products as a whole, be it sound quality or design, can be used irregardless of one’s likes and dislikes. I really like that a small model of earcup-type product will be released in March that is better than the products that have been released, from the time of theATH-M50series up till now. Even though the performance of studio headphones has remained that same as before, I recommend them because it caters to female tastes. The red colour is pretty and so it can be brought around for daily use. I use the earphones when I feel like listening to the sound in more detail and the headphones when I want to feel the rhythm more.

─Although you can now send high quality audio in AAC format 256 kbps via the
iTunes Store, what do you think about digital transmission of music on the whole?
 Songs bought on the Korean iTunes Storeare in MP3 format, if only the option for AAC format is also available, only AAC format is available in Japan right? Although the sound quality of 256 kbps is good, I feel that the file size is pretty big……. In music CD or AAC formats etc, one can choose what quality to listen to with ease, in fact it is the best to listen to what it sounds like raw in the studio. Anyway, since it is difficult to create a studio-like music environment at home, I am trying to create a sound while thinking about an environment where many can enjoy music.
When recording a song, I listen to the mastered song through earphones in an mp3 player, on a handphone or a normal speaker at a comfortable adjusted low level to check on the music quality. I am creating songs in order to bring across the best sound on devices where people normally listen to their music. 

Korean trans by BoA Gallery [exe] 
From @xpressmusiclol 

English translation cr therlynn

Please take out with FULL and PROPER credits!!!

--------------original Japanese article--------------

 初めてのマックはMacBookでした。デザインがかわいかったんです。ただ、Boot Campにウィンドウズを入れて、ウィンドウズマシンとして使うことが多かったですね。インターネットバンキングサービスをよく利用するのですが、韓国ではマックに非対応のサイトが多いので、ウィンドウズが必須なんです。
 マックを購入した当初は、写真の処理や「iTunes Store」の利用がメインでした。そのあと、マックで楽曲制作をしようと思い始めたんです。'10年の春ごろだったと思います。友人と予定が合わず時間をもてあましてしまう時期があったので、ひとりでも遊べるようにMac Proをおもちゃ代わりに買ったのが始まりです(笑)。

楽曲を制作するときは、アップルの純正アプリ「Logic Pro」を使われているんですよね?
 はい。楽曲の大枠(ガイド)を作っています。ループやサウンドなど、アプリに元から入っている素材が豊富で、それをいろいろ組み合わせたり、ドラムやキーボードを自分で直接打ち込んだりしています。もともとアプリのインターフェースデザインがすごく気に入ってたんですよね。アビッドテクノロジー㈱の「Pro Tools」も選択肢としてはあったんですけど、設定がすごく細かくて……。Logicは、多くのアーティストさんが「自分のイメージをいちばん短時間でかたちにしてくれるアプリだ」と言うので使ってみたいなと思いました。音楽制作アプリの使い方をある程度わかっているユーザーなら、すんなり使いこなせると思います。

新曲「Only One」はBoAさんがご自身で作詞作曲を手がけていますが、やはりマックで制作したのですか

 マックがないとなにもできないです(笑)。「Only One」はメロディーが出来上がる前から、「you're the only one」っていうキーワードをイメージした曲にしようと決めていました。ラブソングにも失恋ソングにもできるキーワードだけど、きれいなメロディーにすごく切ない歌詞を付けたらギャップが面白いんじゃないかと思いながら作詞したんです。


韓国語の曲は、パッチム(ハングルの音節の最後にくる音を表す子音)による語尾のアクセントでリズム感が出ますよね。日本語にするとそのアクセントがないぶん、日本語版の「Only One」は韓国語版よりしっとりした印象を受けました。

 iCloudです! iPhoneを韓国、日本、米国と国ごとに1台ずつ持ってるんですけど、iCloudを使うと「連絡先」のデータや写真がすべて同期されるから、どの国でも同じデータを共有できてすごく便利。本当は1台のiPhoneで済めばベストなんですけど、普通はロックがかかっているのでチップを替えても使えないんですよ。あと、とっさに思いついた歌詞をiPhoneにメモすれば、iCloudを経由してiPadとマックのどちらにも同じデータが送られるから、どの端末からもサッと確認できる。マックを開いたらすぐに編集作業に入れるし、とても楽です。

いるんですか? また、その再生環境についても教えてください。



「iTunes Store」でAAC形式の256kbpsという高音質な音源の配信が始まりましたが、楽曲のデジタル配信についてはどう思われますか?
 韓国の「iTunes Store」では購入した曲のダウンロード形式をMP3、もしくはAACから選べるんですけど、日本はAACのみでしたよね? 256kbpsは音質的にはいいですが、結構な容量になっちゃいそう……。音楽CDやAAC形式など、この音質で聴いてほしいというこだわりはなくて、実際はスタジオの音を生で聴いてもらうのがいちばんなんですよね。まぁ、家にスタジオの音楽環境を作るのは難しいので、なるべく多くの人が音楽を楽しんでいる環境を考えて音作りをしています。曲を録音するときは、マスタリングした音源をプレーヤーからイヤホンで聴いて、携帯や一般的なスピーカーで聴きやすいようローの調整や音質のチェックをしますね。普段皆さんが音楽を聴く機材でベストの音を届けられるよう、曲作りをしています。

Korean trans by BoA Gallery [exe] 

From @xpressmusiclol 

English translation cr therlynn

Please take out with FULL and PROPER credits!!!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

[Op-Ed] BoA and her career

As a fan who has seen BoA through many stages of her career for over 10 years, I feel a little frustrated at the comments on NB. Of course I can't expect non-fans to understand what the girl has been through, but honestly girl doesn't deserve half the hate she receives. 

First, BoA is pretty introverted. So to all you people comparing her to Hyori, keep this in mind - their personalities are extreme opposites. Plus, Hyori's selling point is her image - which is why she's known as an icon. Further, she's known as the icon of daring to bare it all. In contrast, BoA's selling point was never her image. It has and still is her performance ability. Think of her as someone who puts across a safe and consistent image. Putting them together isn't a fair comparison in any way. 

Second, BoA mentioned that in future she wants to continue on the path of an artist rather than that of an idol singer. She wants to create music that is her style, not blindly following the trend. Obviously she will have some limitations since she's under a record label known for idol music. Fact is that singers who last the longest tend to be ballad singers. However, most people may not know this: To put it in a nice way, the company sees huge potential in her. But to put it blatantly, BoA has always been used as a "guinea pig" by the company. Testing out the Japanese market, American market, whatever you name it, she's up for it. Anyway my point is, this might be a good time for the label to expand into creating indie style music as well. With the rise in popularity of indie bands, this might be one avenue BoA can remain relevant to the music scene in future albeit in a new market. Plus with the change in demographics of already-fans (who are now mostly moving into their 20-30s), this change might be something acceptable to them. So I'm just saying, the whole debate about BoA being relevant or not, is something that will change depending on which perspective you take. 

Again, we have to consider the changes in market tastes. Ask yourself, who are the ones doing well in the kpop industry now? Boy groups? Yes. Girl groups? Yes. Solo singers? Not so. So are you saying that all solo singers are no longer relevant in the industry? Don't forget that tastes also change with the seasons in this industry!

About dressing, BoA has mentioned that she doesn't like to dress too skimpy. However, she has increasingly been wearing less. This only goes to show that she is trying to adapt to changes in the market. Maybe due to the fact that she has been in the industry for too long (14 years and counting), people think of her as a sunbae and sees her much older than she really is. This is something to do with market perception, and honestly you can't expect her to come out and do some cutesy stuff now right? Everyone will just brand her as fake.

Lastly, SM isn't promoting BoA enough. Take for example the concerts she held outside of Seoul, did you know that SM didn't even have any promotion for that? Fans had to fork out money to paste promotional posters etc. Do you see that happening to any other singers?

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Interview Compilations (Ongoing)

"I felt very nervous standing on SBS 'KPOPSTAR' stage yesterday. I went there after my night filming (for movie 'Big Match') ended. Well nothing is easy. When working hard to meet the expectations of those around is also difficult, because I'm just at the beginning stage, starting out as an actress is difficult…."

"When I first saw the script, it was all in English. Although I worried about 'Can I do well?', but I agreed seeing the passion of the director who came personally all the way to Japan to cast me. As this was focused more on dance rather than acting, I felt a little more burdened." 
"The type of person who 'rather give it a shot than spending time hesitating', BoA watched dance movies like 'Flashdance'(1983) and 'Step Up'(2006) to prepare for the movie. I read the scenarios without a break, and was also absorbed into the character. As I got too absorbed, there was a danger of going off on a tangent so I had a thorough discussion with the director.
"Speaking in Korean, Japanese, English was easy", in the movie BoA's English proficiency was above expectations. Although she brushed it off saying "The toughest thing was to act in English", to the extent of being able to ad-lib in English she was able to blend in naturally in the movie.
"In the English script it ends with 'walk. arrive at destination. kiss'. While filming I got closer to Derek and I unconsciously said 'shut up'. If it is meant for an audience 13 years old and above in America, the word 'Fuck' can only be used once. I also used that. In the script it was written as 'as if you're really angry' but I unconsciously said 'Are you fucking crazy?'. As compared to dancing, the dialogues were more difficult but I experienced the joy when there were ad-libs. I felt that parts with added ad-libs felt even more natural than the basic script."
While filming this movie, she learned not just English, but also drum performance and tap dance. Although she had to pick up many new stuff like this, she requested the director not to use her most powerful weapon 'singing ability'. She explained that "As my image as a singer is strong, I thought that it would give a bad influence to my character as Aya".
"If I changed Aya into a Korean, it would not be possible to have Taiko. It wasn't like I could change it to Nanta. As I felt it was a little inappropriate to appear as a Japanese since I am a singer who achieved success in Korea, I requested for an edit. So, even if it is a little complicating, it was changed to a Korean who was born in Japan."
BoA tried out what acting feels like in 'Make Your Move' and even starred in a drama, she is currently working with actor Lee Jung Jae to film 'Big Match'. 
"As a singer, although I had to work with back dancers, there were many parts that I had to work out on my own. On the contrary, there's a synergy effect when working on a drama as many actors and staff work hard towards one goal. To meet so many people and work with them was a brand new experience for me. I wish to work on more of such productions."
So, which genre is more difficult - as a singer or acting?
"I think it is more burdensome to be a singer. Maybe because I accumulated a lot, all the performances are difficult. Because people's expectation levels are high. On the contrary, I'm only just starting out as an actress. As there are stuff to learn, I find it is better."
After wrapping up movie filming next month, BoA has plans to start preparations for a new album. 
"I couldn't release any albums in Japan for a while. There were plans to work on a Japanese album release this year. I'm thinking of a musical direction that is in line with this generation. As I'm good at performance, I think it might be music that will bring out my performance."
However, the burden towards (creating) new music already weighs heavily on her mind. To present something brand new is never an easy task. 
"It is tough whenever I have to release an album. But this is the fate of professionals in this line. I wish to show the good side of me continuously as a singer, and also as an actress."
original article:
“I first got the casting offer in 2009. It is said that the director created the character Aya with me in mind. Although it was the first time being the lead in a movie, I'm not switching over to become an actress. I'm will continue my role as a singer. Of course I'll keep pushing myself to the limits in acting as wel.”
“Even as a singer, there are still lots that I wish to do. To hold many concerts, and keep releasing music…. now my goal is not to rise to an even higher place. It is my dream to participate in activities that I can enjoy, and activities that will satisfy fans. Recently I've been really curious about this. ‘Till what age can I continue dancing(laughs).’”
original article:
During the interview that day, BoA talk about Yunho's appearance "I heard that U-Know Yunho was going to participate in the filming" and "Even though he was busy, he was going to just film and leave, I was so grateful". She also added with a smile "I didn't know that so many artists participated on the OST" and "I felt really grateful that everyone helped out even though they were busy".
She added that "I felt 15 years flew by like with a blink of the eye" and "Next year would mark 15 years since I debut".
"As I lived more than half my life as an entertainer, I feel that it is my life now. The feeling that my job is an entertainer?(laughs) There are indeed many hoobae singers. Although there is not much time to meet frequently as everyone is busy, I feel proud seeing each and every one working hard on their activities."
"As I received a call personally from CP of 'KPOPSTAR', I ran over after filming a movie ('Big Match'). After I retired from the programme, I tried hard to watch it even though it wasn't very often. As judge Yoo Hee Yeol was well received, I cheered him on. What a chance to sing with other contestants on the finale stage, without hesitation I participated. I felt happy hearing many people saying it was touching."
After retiring from 'KPOPSTAR', BoA's days remained busy. Looking back, "It was extremely busy". BoA said that "I had to film for the movie and released a single in Japan. I also went to the America for the movie premiere of 'Make Your Move'". 
"When I go to Japan or America, I still get confused over the method of counting age. I feel a little disadvantaged because my birthday falls later in the year.(laughs) When I asked many people (if there is any difference between the 20s and 30s), they say there is not much difference. Although when you are in your 10s, it seems extremely exciting to be in your 20s, it is said that the 30s are the golden period for females and so I'm thinking 'That may be true'."
"As I'm starting as an actress now, I wish to present a good side as an actress and slowly build up filmography. As a singer, I look forward to what kind of music I'll make when I turn 30. Just as I presented an innocent and hard working side in my 10s and 20s, of course I wish to present a totally brand new side."
original article:
With regards to the scene, BoA laughed and said "Although it was edited out, there weren't any strange scenes during filming such as 'lying under the covers in bed'.".
With that, BoA expressed "I am active as an actress but I still have no confidence with regards to revealing skin.".
original article:

BoA filmed a scene with Derek Hough where they both laid on the bed. But that scene was edited out eventually. BoA said that "The scene was changed to a couple dance that led to the bed. This couple dance scene was added later on.".

Derek Hough said, "When I first rehearsed with BoA, there was a move where I had to slide my hands along BoA's legs, it was embarrassing. I was shocked that she hadn't danced with any males before since she received much love through dance.", and burst out in laughter.

BoA who was waiting to greet audiences with her first screen lead role expressed great confidence in the movie, "I especially liked that I could show a variety of dance moves. Not just a beautiful love story, but fantasy-like dances that your eyes and ears can indulge in too.".

original article:
Although she received many proposals to act, she never thought about it besides being active in Korea and Japan with her busy schedule as a singer. Even when the movie proposal came in, she wondered, "'Why did they suddenly contact me?'.  As I have always wanted to try for a dance movie genre, I took up the offer. I might not have done it if it was cliched. It made me realise more about the charm of acting. To match with many other actors is definitely a different kind of fun and charm from singing.".

As she debut in her teens as a dance singer, it would be expected that, "I think my strength as an actress is the ability to be able to dance, to know how to use my body. My power of expression has improved, such that dances where I would put in a lot of strength and dance diligently, I am able to express it a little more finely now. My physical stamina has obviously dropped as compared to the pass.", she said with a laugh.

"When I saw the edited version of the dance scene in Donny's room, I got a shock 'Was it this intense!'. It seems like our emotions were drawn out because we took a few takes continuously, so our emotions were running high. The nature of a couple dance also involves a lot of skinship, and since two of us were in it we had to be mindful of the bad angles in glamorous scenes. As long as the action was right, it would be the end. There were many 'One scene, one take' in this production for dance scenes. When Donny and Aya danced, emotions increased with the number of retakes. The expression or the lightness of touch both blended naturally with the emotions.".

BoA has a perfect image that she is a strong woman and on top of things. Regarding her true side, BoA laughed and said, "Maybe because I grew up with my brothers, I'm like a guy. I'm manly and more clumsy than you imagine. Although I have to be professional when I'm at work, I'm extremely relaxed in private life and laze at home. I'm really different when working and when I'm not. I'm definitely on off mode.".

She added that, "Somehow I have become a person who is thought of as a perfectionist, doesn't make mistakes and does everything well. I try even harder because of the obsession to constantly satisfy expectations. Although I have the will, I wonder if I would be living like this if an image of BoA had been created. I think it is possible to live with this job only if I think positively. I don't have greed for whatever isn't mine, I became thankful for the work that I am doing. Thinking positively made everything seem comfortable.".

Next year will be her 15th year since debut. Regarding romance she said, "Of course I should!", when asked about her ideal type, "It'll be great if it's a guy I can embrace. I think I wasn't picky before I turned mid-20s, but as time pass I feel like it became harder to meet. Rather than cutting back on work, I think you'll see more projects. Unexpectedly there's nobody to go out with. It seemed like I had no interest in dating. I definitely have thoughts of marriage. I want to marry before 40.".

Through 'Make Your Move', BoA might be able to change the negative image of Asian females to one of "Powerful Asian. At first, I worried about whether I would look awkward with a White. I think the key was Derek Hough's and my chemistry as expected of a romance movie.".

original article:

Please take out with FULL and PROPER credits!!
English translations cr therlynn

Friday, April 11, 2014

[1st Look Apr 2014] ONLY ONE, BoA

The BoA that we all know is dreaming of another transformation. This time she's a Hollywood actress. That girl's development is still in progress.

Year 2000 August, a young girl's brand new start of a thousand year and debut with a bang. Despite being young at only 14 years old, she presented powerful dance, and of course, through a stable live performance (she showed) her explosive singing ability, rising to the top position in the song industry in a flash. After that, for the first time as a Korean singer, she gained explosive popularity as well as public recognition in Japan. She achieved 1st place in the Oricon charts for her first full-length album and sold close to a million albums. Beyond her success in Japan, she became the 'Star of Asia'. This has been top singer BoA's story for the past 14 years. But more than anyone else she knows that this is not the ultimate end for her, and so she stands at the start line with a firm heart.

I heard you are the female lead for Hollywood movie <Make Your Move>! Honestly it is even more shocking that there is such a question. Moreover I heard that director Duane Adler approached you first?

I was really shocked too. Normally I will get scripts from my manager, but this time I got it directly from the CEO. Although I left saying that I would think about it at that point in time, it didn't matter whether it was pre-determined or not. This is because it was a female lead role for a dance movie, and it was a project produced by a director that I like.

So I guess one of your favourite movies is obviously <Step Up>?

That's right. Out of those, I especially liked <Step Up 1> and have watched it several times. Usually when you think about dance movies, the story is usually very typical isn't it? Heating up the atmosphere by holding a dance battle that kind of things. But only in <Step Up 1>, romance in dance into a beautiful movie. I read the script with expectations for the project this time, and eventually I fell into the story without realising. I felt that the part about Asian dancers going to Europe was a story that was very similar to mine in reality. Later on I learned that the director wrote the script with me in mind. I was amazed, and also felt touched.

The director contacted you after seeing a Youtube video of you when you were 17 years old, what video was that?

Well, I'm not sure. I heard the story directly from the director during free production. He was looking for Asian dancers, and he said he was impressed his friend showed him my video. I just said "Oh really?". I didn't ask what video that was. Shortly after the meeting I had a Japanese tour, and he even came personally for it. I thought that passion was amazing, I didn't even think I would become the female lead for a Hollywood movie, and honestly it felt a little surreal.

I heard that it felt like becaming his muse.

Honestly, the muse for this character exists in real life. There's a crew in America called Cobra and the team leader is the living muse. We aren't alike at all (laughs). She is someone who is very fit and plays the taiko drums. And so I practiced the taiko drums a lot at the beginning. But not long after, my arms became really thick. It wasn't due to muscles but the fats went upwards. After a checkup, it is said that a lot of fats formed in order to protect the bones from the intense shock to my arms. It is an instrument so difficult that it can even lead to fats growth visible to the eye in a short period of time. Anyway, I thought the fact that I could be seen as a role model as well was an honour. I'm also grateful to be able to experience that in reality.

Although you have so many overseas activities that you should have gotten used to it, it must feel different with overseas movie filming.

It is a really different field. Being an actress and a singer is a totally different genre, much less being a foreign actress. You'll probably understand after watching the movie, but there was almost no Korean. 95% English, a little Japanese and a few lines in Korean. The moment i received the script, I think my very first thought was 'Can I handle this much English?'.

The system was also very different.

The whole environment was comfortable and good. It was tough filming in 3D. As the 3D cameras cannot move a lot, it took very long to film dance scenes. As the time taken was longer than expected, there were cases where I just returned without filming my parts.

Did you have to memorise the dances too?

Of course. Just the preliminary choreography took about 2-3 months. Including the filming, I did nothing but danced everyday for a few months. As it takes weeks for the couple dance, it was even more taxing physically. For male lead Derek, there were many scenes where he had to lift me. From the point of his partner, I had to hold my balance. Physically it was tough, but it was mentally tough having to memorise the lines in English. That wasn't all. I also had to learn taiko drums and tap dance from scratch as there were some scenes. Moreover, we had to constantly change a lot of stuff depending on the environment and situation once we went into filming, it was insane.

How was your harmony as a couple with male lead Derek?

As it was the first attempt at acting for both of us, it was filled with passion although it was awkward. Derek's native language English was shockingly good (laughs). I was taken by surprise whenever he kept doing adlibs. Later on when we got closer, filming was comfortable and fun. After getting closer, our harmony spontaneously got better.

I heard that even when doing music, when the harmony matches well, the impression of the other person will change. Does it also apply to dance when the harmony matches well? I'm also curious what it feels like to be synchronised in dance.

If it feels like it doesn't match as a whole, the partners will not look at each other even after it ends. But if it somewhat matches, then they will look at each other in the eye and smile. In other words, you will naturally smile kind of thing? It is very obvious when Derek is happy or not, so when it doesn't match, he will just throw me away (laughs). After all it is a job requiring physical strength, so it seems like the expressions are put forth in a straightforward manner. When we fight, we fight very hard, and when it matches we dance well.

How did you guys fight?

We fight by blaming each other. It is inevitable especially for the highly difficult couple dances, we have to match well in order for accidents to not happen. So even though we fight, we have to match each other. That is why couples who do couple dances fight like that. They really fight to death and love to death. That is the charm of a dance harmony.

I wish to hear from BoA personally. The story of this movie.

Two friends with different nationalities and born into different backgrounds getting to know each other through dance. It is a movie about love budding. Can I share the ending as well (laughs)?

How about the dance that flows together with the story?

Two people who dance well meet. Triggering a spark because of the thought 'There's someone with a similar level of passion of dance as me'. With that, a powerful couple dance that completes the dance floor.

It is impossible to talk about BoA without mentioning dance. Has your view on dance changed?

If you say that dances as a singer have a performance element, I think through the movie I gained the element of unison. I am very shy with strangers. As I have never tried dancing with anyone else before, at first I felt very embarrassed. But there exists a language that is conveyed through dance. And so I could get close quickly. It was a chance to experience the language of the body.

I think that BoA's growth is like a Truman show. On the basis that all the citizens are watching your growth process, its curious how the ending will be like.

Regardless, as my life has been exposed to the public, people who look upon my life favourably, people who see it in a twisted manner etc there are many different kinds of people out there. I have decided that I wouldn't get controlled by such thoughts since young. It is not a life that I live for others. Ultimately I'm living for myself. Although there are things that I can do because of others' gaze, I thought that it shouldn't become the main focus of my life. In future I'll consistently live my life in a manner that satisfies me, doing what I want, what I should excel in, what I do well in. As there are many days left to live and things to do in the future, I'll hold on to the thought that 'I' am the pillar of life and live an interesting life. With that, I think that I can create a growth story which sends a positive message to many people.

When you appeared on <KPOPSTAR Season 1,2> as a judge, you appeared more knowledgeable than your age and was very objective, so many people thought you were much older.

I heard that a lot. Someone said that I seemed more than 30 years old (laughs). I think the sentence I heard most was "you're still in your twenties?" during that time. Honestly I debut at a young age and so I experienced many difficult patches. I started (being a judge) with the thought of being a support who could give advice based on my experience during that period. It was very interesting, I received positive influences from the contestants as well. It was a really grateful period of time.

Singer-songwriter, director and now even an actress, even though your domain is fixed, I think it'll be good to ask about your future aspirations as your future is very promising.

Multi-entertainer? Whenever I start anything, rather than drawing out the boundary line, I try to see a little further beyond that. It is always tough at the start. So, I try to at least start off fun. Through working hard, I have the thought of showing a good side of me. Even I am curious about what I will be doing in the future (laughs).

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'Actress' BoA "After dance, in the midst of filming action, would love to try melodrama next"

BoA shyly said about 'Make Your Move', "I hoped for it to be perfect, but it didn't happen as I wanted. There were feelings of excitement as well as awkwardness. To me, this movie is just like a first love. It'll remain in my memory for life.".

Regarding her counterpart actor Derek Hough, BoA expressed "It was easy to get closer because Derek started to joke around first. And after that we got closer because we fought a lot. There were many arrangements with underlying tones of teasing, and it was a situation where a mistake by one party would lead to injuries. As it was a sensitive situation we fought a lot, but thanks to that we got closer.".

BoA also revealed that she is currently filming the movie "Big Match". She laughed and said that, "After wrapping up a dance movie, I'm filming an action movie 'Big Match' so I'm getting hit a lot. Next time I wish to film a pretty melodramatic movie.".

To this, BoA fans replied "No to melodrama".

BoA also spoke regarding Yunho who had a cameo role, "Although he was busy, he flew to a faraway country, and had to memorise and film the choreography in a short period. I wanted to buy him a meal but he had to return in a rush. Sincerely grateful for showing such a good performance.".

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'First Hollywood Challenge' BoA "Acting in English, the burden was greater"

Singer BoA shared her thoughts on her first challenge as an actress.

At the movie "Make Your Move" (Director Duane Adler) showcase held at Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, CGV Cheongdam Cine City M cube, BoA said "Having to act in English was the greatest burden.".

BoA introduced her movie "'Make Your Move' is a project on an unfulfilled love story and flashy choreography.".

As 'Make Your Move' is BoA's debut foray into Hollywood, BoA said "It was the first time in my life trying out acting and I had to be fluent in English. The greatest difficulty was how to deliver the lines in English.", and added that "I did the best that I could at that time, and I thought that it was very good.".

She further added, "Not just the acting, because I had to dance as well, it was tough physically."

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Friday, February 7, 2014

'Rookie award' BoA "Now one step forward as an actress"

"I'm happy to have received the rookie award!"

13 years since she debut as a singer, BoA who has always shown only her ambitious image on stage, seems a little nervous on this day. For more than 10 years she has been seen under the title of 'singer', instead she is shaking that off to create a new title of 'actress'.

'Star of Asia' BoA appears in a different light as 'Lucifer of drama'. BoA won the female rookie award at the 2013 Korea Drama Awards. BoA received praises in her acting as the main lead Joo Yeon Ae in KBS 2TV's 2-part pilot drama 'Expect Dating' which was aired in Sep last year. We met shortly after the win with 'Rookie Actress' BoA rather than 'Singer BoA".

BoA expressed her rating of her own acting "During the filming, it was crazy" and "In order to show a good image, I did all I could. It is my first attempt at acting, even if I acted better there would still be regrets.".

She added with a smile, "Now it feels like I took a step forward as an actress. It was a good experience.".

Regarding praises to her acting, BoA said "Thank you to many people who spoke kindly (of my acting)." and with a smile stated, "I feel relieved of one worry.".

BoA said, "Acting came out naturally" and "I think it was because filming was fun. I was able to enjoy filming because Choi Daniel and Im Si Wan and helped me a lot beside me.".

BoA acted as Joo Yeon Ae who failed in romance due to an immature love experience in this drama. She began to learn about love after receiving romance coaching by 'pickup artist' Cha Gi Dae (acted by Choi Daniel). BoA presented to us a never seen before image where she threw octopus in the subway station, and never-ending curses.

The scene BoA remembers is "Although the kiss scene with Im Si Wan left a huge impression, the scene which left the strongest impression was actually the one in the subway station.".

"This time there were many scenes in the subway, as I don't take the subway often, filming such a scene left a huge impression. As we had to match the the timing of the door opening and closing, I got scolded. Haha.".

In BoA's award speech, she did not forget to thank Lee Eun Jin PD and writer Joo Hwa Mi. As a 'rookie actress', Lee PD was someone whom BoA had to especially thank. BoA said "Lee Eun Jin PD called me out everyday one-on-one and made me practice a lot.", "I also had many personal script reading practice sessions in order to match my harmony with Si Wan.".

Although 'Expect Dating' was broadcast as a 2-part pilot drama, since the planning stage it was produced as a potential full-length weekend drama. BoA and Choi Daniel will continue to appear as the main lead. BoA said, "I heard that it was initially produced with the intention as a full-length drama. For me, I thought it would be great if I was picked." and laughed.

"In future I will not be picky on the genre or role, I want to try acting a variety of characters. The character that I want to play? Who knows, I am still not sure (laughs).".

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KPOPSTAR 3 PD "We support BoA's success as an active singer more than as a judge"

KPOPSTAR3 PD Park Seong Hun left a support message for BoA, who left her position as a judge in this season.

At the press conference for KPOPSTAR Season 3, he revealed that "Since the end of season 2, it seemed BoA had some worries".

"She was a judge for 2 years, while there was pride and satisfaction but it seemed like there was a desire as an active singer that could not be resolved. There was purportedly a lot of schedules that were delayed during that period of time", and so "Although judge BoA is also important, we thought, ultimately it is even more important to achieve success as singer BoA.".

(some parts omitted)

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Monday, January 20, 2014

<Big Match> filming report at Daejeon

(Some parts omitted)

Director Choi Ho (47) stated that "Since 27th last month, we began filming 'Big Match' in Daejeon, we have completed about 20%. The city Daejeon is charming and pretty. There are many advantages to filming in a city where the new and the old co-exist together.".

Regarding the movie 'Big Match', he said that "It is an action movie that portrays a betting game where people are adapting, just like "Human Race", and added that "We will present to you a final product where you will see the acting harmony of the 3 main casts Lee Jung Jae, Shin Ha Gyun, BoA is above expectations."

Lee Jung Jae's past films 'Thieves' and 'New World' received a lot of praises. In response he said "We'll show you Lee Jung Jae's best body action amongst all his movies.". Then he emphasized that "In Lee Jung Jae and BoA's romance, of course you'll also be able to see Shin Ha Gyun's 'Most evil character' who designed the game." 

Movie 'Big Match' will film until end-April after which it is slated for a 2nd half release. 

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