Friday, August 8, 2014

Mac People April 2014 Interview

─Please share your first experience purchasing Mac and what Mac products you are using.
BoA: My first Mac was a MacBook. The design was cute. But, I installed Windows in Boot Camp, I used Windows a lot. I use the internet banking service very frequently, but in Korea a lot of sites don’t support the Mac interface, so it is a must to have Windows. When I first purchased a Mac, I used it mainly for photos or to access the iTunes Store. After that, I began to compose music on my Mac. It was around Spring in 2010. It was a period where I couldn’t match my schedule with my friends’, so in order to entertain myself I bought a Mac Pro – that was how it all started. (laughs)

─When composing music, do you use Apple’s genuine application “Logic Pro”? 
BoA: Yes. I use it to create the broad framework for the music (aka guide). As the app has rich in-built features such as loop or sound etc., I either combine those features, or I will personally enter the drum and keyboard myself. I really like the app interface and design. Although you can choose “Pro Tools” by Avid Technology, the settings are extremely detailed so……. Logic was mentioned by various artists as “an app that can adapt to your own image in a short period of time” so I thought of trying it out. As a user who is able to grasp the know-how to use a music creation app to a certain extent, I think such apps should have seamless integration. I think a user who has some knowledge of using a music production app should be able to use it without difficulty.  

─I heard that you composed the lyrics and melody of your new song 
Only One, did you create it on a Mac?
BoA: That’s right. I created the broad framework for the song using Logic, the lyrics were prepared based on a few keywords which fitted the song’s image. I’m the type to write the lyrics while recording, so I inserted a few keywords which I prepared during recording and keyed them into Mac. I use the method where I will match phrase to the song to some extent, then add in words that are easy to listen to later on.
When there is a clear overarching theme, lyrics just come to my head based on the mood of the song and the desired direction. It’s also the same when composing in Japanese, I start writing lyrics with one catchphrase. In fact, I’m very slow when writing it down by hand, so the song is completed more quickly if I type the lyrics into Mac immediately while singing (laughs). After that, I check if the lyrics which I entered match the melody.

─It’s a must to have a Mac at the recording studio.
BoA: I can’t do anything if there is no Mac (laughs). Before completing the melody for
Only One, we decided the song will take on the image with the keyword you're the only one. Although it is a keyword suited for both a love song and a practical song, I wrote the lyrics thinking that it would be interesting to place wistful lyrics against such a beautiful melody.
Even for the Japanese version, I used Logic to create the demo version. After making a guide for the Japanese version, I wrote the Japanese lyrics, and shared my ideas on what image I would like to create with the arranger……. Although it is inevitable that some words or expressions have to be changed depending on the country, I focused on keeping the nuance that I wanted to bring across as much as possible.

─The rhythmic feel in the Korean version was achieved by the beat through accenting the last part.
But in the Japanese version, to the extent there was no hint of that accent, I got the impression that the Japanese version of Only Onewas more tranquil than the Korean version.
If it is an up-tempo song, it is great if it has a good accent in the beat, but the voice becomes stronger in a ballad. As Korean ballads end off slowly, I try to watch that so that the entire song is gentle on the ears. Singing ballads is actually tougher in Korean.

─Besides creating music, what other functions of the Mac do you use?
 iCloud! I have an iPhone for each country – Korea, Japan, USA, it is very convenient as I can share the same data regardless which country I’m in because iCloud helps me sync contact information and photos. Honestly it’ll be ideal I can use only one iPhone, but normally the phones are locked so I can’t use it even if I change the SIM. And I’ll key into the iPhone memo whenever lyrics comes to me, through iCloud I can send the same data to iPad and Mac, and so I can check it immediately when I’m on any platform. It is very convenient as I can edit it as soon as I turn on my Mac. 

─What genre of music to you listen to normally? Also, please share with us your thoughts on the playback environment.
 I listen to a lot of Western music. I check thePV Channelon YouTube where the latest promotion videos can be seen regularly. I find it interesting to see the instruments involved in each song and to watch PV making specials too. Also, Beyonce performed with Desiny’s Child in the half-time show of the finals of the NFL (American National Football League) on 4th Feb this year, I was shocked by that performance. In the blink of an eye, it spread worldwide through YouTube and now there are countless people tuning in.
            As I go around with music in my iPhone, I have stopped using my iPod. On normal days, I use my handphone when I leave the house and the speakers when I’m at home. Except, although I’m in a job that is particular about sound, I don’t produce instrumental demos in the studio with the huge dedicated speakers, but rather replay it with Mac’s in-built speakers…….  I listen to it on my handphone after editing and arranging the sound. When I listen to it and compare, as expected, the sound on the handphone is the best.

─Since '08 you have been in charge of Audio Technica’s image character, are there any products which you like?
 My current earphone is ATH-CKS99i. Overall, I think Audio Technica products can be used without worrying about sound quality or design etc. As I want to focus on the voice, I like headphones with a fit form which can block surrounding noises. On the contrary, I don’t really like headphones with enhanced bass or a strong low. As Audio Technica products reproduce the sound well it is comfortable to listen to. I think that Audio Technica products as a whole, be it sound quality or design, can be used irregardless of one’s likes and dislikes. I really like that a small model of earcup-type product will be released in March that is better than the products that have been released, from the time of theATH-M50series up till now. Even though the performance of studio headphones has remained that same as before, I recommend them because it caters to female tastes. The red colour is pretty and so it can be brought around for daily use. I use the earphones when I feel like listening to the sound in more detail and the headphones when I want to feel the rhythm more.

─Although you can now send high quality audio in AAC format 256 kbps via the
iTunes Store, what do you think about digital transmission of music on the whole?
 Songs bought on the Korean iTunes Storeare in MP3 format, if only the option for AAC format is also available, only AAC format is available in Japan right? Although the sound quality of 256 kbps is good, I feel that the file size is pretty big……. In music CD or AAC formats etc, one can choose what quality to listen to with ease, in fact it is the best to listen to what it sounds like raw in the studio. Anyway, since it is difficult to create a studio-like music environment at home, I am trying to create a sound while thinking about an environment where many can enjoy music.
When recording a song, I listen to the mastered song through earphones in an mp3 player, on a handphone or a normal speaker at a comfortable adjusted low level to check on the music quality. I am creating songs in order to bring across the best sound on devices where people normally listen to their music. 

Korean trans by BoA Gallery [exe] 
From @xpressmusiclol 

English translation cr therlynn

Please take out with FULL and PROPER credits!!!

--------------original Japanese article--------------

 初めてのマックはMacBookでした。デザインがかわいかったんです。ただ、Boot Campにウィンドウズを入れて、ウィンドウズマシンとして使うことが多かったですね。インターネットバンキングサービスをよく利用するのですが、韓国ではマックに非対応のサイトが多いので、ウィンドウズが必須なんです。
 マックを購入した当初は、写真の処理や「iTunes Store」の利用がメインでした。そのあと、マックで楽曲制作をしようと思い始めたんです。'10年の春ごろだったと思います。友人と予定が合わず時間をもてあましてしまう時期があったので、ひとりでも遊べるようにMac Proをおもちゃ代わりに買ったのが始まりです(笑)。

楽曲を制作するときは、アップルの純正アプリ「Logic Pro」を使われているんですよね?
 はい。楽曲の大枠(ガイド)を作っています。ループやサウンドなど、アプリに元から入っている素材が豊富で、それをいろいろ組み合わせたり、ドラムやキーボードを自分で直接打ち込んだりしています。もともとアプリのインターフェースデザインがすごく気に入ってたんですよね。アビッドテクノロジー㈱の「Pro Tools」も選択肢としてはあったんですけど、設定がすごく細かくて……。Logicは、多くのアーティストさんが「自分のイメージをいちばん短時間でかたちにしてくれるアプリだ」と言うので使ってみたいなと思いました。音楽制作アプリの使い方をある程度わかっているユーザーなら、すんなり使いこなせると思います。

新曲「Only One」はBoAさんがご自身で作詞作曲を手がけていますが、やはりマックで制作したのですか

 マックがないとなにもできないです(笑)。「Only One」はメロディーが出来上がる前から、「you're the only one」っていうキーワードをイメージした曲にしようと決めていました。ラブソングにも失恋ソングにもできるキーワードだけど、きれいなメロディーにすごく切ない歌詞を付けたらギャップが面白いんじゃないかと思いながら作詞したんです。


韓国語の曲は、パッチム(ハングルの音節の最後にくる音を表す子音)による語尾のアクセントでリズム感が出ますよね。日本語にするとそのアクセントがないぶん、日本語版の「Only One」は韓国語版よりしっとりした印象を受けました。

 iCloudです! iPhoneを韓国、日本、米国と国ごとに1台ずつ持ってるんですけど、iCloudを使うと「連絡先」のデータや写真がすべて同期されるから、どの国でも同じデータを共有できてすごく便利。本当は1台のiPhoneで済めばベストなんですけど、普通はロックがかかっているのでチップを替えても使えないんですよ。あと、とっさに思いついた歌詞をiPhoneにメモすれば、iCloudを経由してiPadとマックのどちらにも同じデータが送られるから、どの端末からもサッと確認できる。マックを開いたらすぐに編集作業に入れるし、とても楽です。

いるんですか? また、その再生環境についても教えてください。



「iTunes Store」でAAC形式の256kbpsという高音質な音源の配信が始まりましたが、楽曲のデジタル配信についてはどう思われますか?
 韓国の「iTunes Store」では購入した曲のダウンロード形式をMP3、もしくはAACから選べるんですけど、日本はAACのみでしたよね? 256kbpsは音質的にはいいですが、結構な容量になっちゃいそう……。音楽CDやAAC形式など、この音質で聴いてほしいというこだわりはなくて、実際はスタジオの音を生で聴いてもらうのがいちばんなんですよね。まぁ、家にスタジオの音楽環境を作るのは難しいので、なるべく多くの人が音楽を楽しんでいる環境を考えて音作りをしています。曲を録音するときは、マスタリングした音源をプレーヤーからイヤホンで聴いて、携帯や一般的なスピーカーで聴きやすいようローの調整や音質のチェックをしますね。普段皆さんが音楽を聴く機材でベストの音を届けられるよう、曲作りをしています。

Korean trans by BoA Gallery [exe] 

From @xpressmusiclol 

English translation cr therlynn

Please take out with FULL and PROPER credits!!!

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